The Slimy app is a full-fledged self-knowledge and self-improvement session presented in a game format and is aimed at a comfortable and stable change not only in your body, but also at improving life in other important areas. Without assistance, anywhere, without effort and digging in yourself, you can playfully solve the problem of excess weight. Its simple - in the course of the game, you will have the opportunity to identify and mentally change (work through) the moments of your life that left negative imprints and led to the start of the process of gaining and maintaining weight. The problem solved in this way will open up new opportunities and prospects in life. Obstacles will go away - new horizons will open! You will find yourself alone with yourself and will be able to "negotiate" with that inner part of you that sabotages changes. It will be interesting and exciting, and most importantly, the result will definitely please you, even more than you expect! You will begin to form an inner attitude towards such a lifestyle in which excess weight will go away on its own, without prohibitions and experiments on yourself. Lightness and a healthy lifestyle will become your natural state!